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My name is Nick Arnold. I'm 28, I work as a journalist and content producer, and I live in Sydney, Australia.


When I was at school, it was compulsory to have the initial of your first name, along with your surname, sewed onto your games kit. For years I ran around with N.Arnold across my chest and, as nicknames do, it just sort of stuck. Hence Narnold.


In July 2011, I graduated from Newcastle University with a degree in Psychology and History, a staggering student debt and a colossal fear of what was next. Two days later I found myself standing at London Kings Cross station trying to navigate my way to Shoreditch for a job interview.


I got the job, celebrated with one drink too many, and started the next day on a hangover.


Since then, a lot has happened: I've visited 26 countries, I've been diagnosed with OCD, ADHD, Generalised Anxiety, and a weird thing called SPOV. I've started on working out how to become comfortable with my sexuality, I've moved house 16 times, I've made friends, I've lost friends, I've been on dates, I've cried through breakups, I've worked as a TV producer, I've worked as a journalist, I've started my own company, I've cancelled three gym memberships, I've become 95% vegetarian, I've drunk alcohol, I've played board games, I've smoked cigarettes, I've worn fancy dress, and I've moved from London to Australia.


I've learned a lot, but there's a lot more still to learn.


My best friend and I have a saying; we like to think that 'everything is happening just as it should'.


I wouldn't be me if I didn't go through everything I do. But I believe in being open about everything we go though; that's how stereotypes are broken, progress is made and, fundamentally, we become better people.


That's why I created Narnold Knows; a mental health blog, as well as being a blog about wholeness, LGBTQ+ issues, and travel. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy running it.


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